Documentation React Native

Complete documentation of the installation and usage of Keen-Slider for React Native. For the documentation of the web version click here.

Getting started

The usage of this library is really simple and is explained in many code examples. You can add it to any JavaScript or Typescript project you are working on in several way.


Install keen-slider from npm.

npm install keen-slider


The library comes with a hook for react-native. Like any react hook, useKeenSliderNative has to be called at the top level of your component. Optionally, you can pass Options and Event hooks as first argument. Plugins can be passed as second argument. The hook returns the slider instance.

import { useKeenSliderNative } from 'keen-slider/react-native'

export default () => {
  const slides = 4
  const slider = useKeenSliderNative({

  return (
    <View {...slider.containerProps}>
      {[...Array(slides).keys()].map(idx => {
        return (
          <View key={idx} {...slider.slidesProps[idx]}>
            <Text>Slide {idx}</Text>


To customize keen-slider to your needs there are a lot of options which are listed below. Also, the Event hooks are part of these options. If you want to change the options after initialization, you can do that with the update function. See Properties.

defaultAnimation: object

Sets the default animation of the functions moveToIdx, next and prev.

  • duration: number - Duration of the animation in milliseconds.
  • easing: function - Easing of the animation as (time: number) => number.

drag: boolean

Enables or disables mouse and touch control. Default is true

dragSpeed: number | function

Set the speed that is applied to the slider when dragging it. Number can be passed as a value or function. Minus values would invert the swipe direction. Default is 1

initial: number

Sets the index of the initially visible slide. Default is 1.

loop: boolean | object

Enables or disables carousel/loop functionality of the slider. This option can also be an object where you can set the min and/or the max index of the carousel.

Defaults to false.

mode: 'snap' | 'free' | 'free-snap'

Sets the animation that is applied after a drag ends. Default is 'snap'.

range: object

Regardless of the slide number, you can define the range of accessible slides.

  • min: number - sets minimum accessible index
  • max: number - sets maximum accessible index
  • align: boolean - aligns the maximum position to the end of the last slide

rtl: boolean

Changes the direction in which the slides are positioned, from left-to-right to right-to-left. Default is false.

rubberband: boolean

Enables or disables the rubberband behavior for dragging and animation after a drag. Default is true.

slides: object | number | function

Specifies the configuration of the slides. Every time there is an update, resize or change of options, the slide configuration is renewed. Therefore, all functions are called again. Default is null.

  • number - Sets the number of slides to the specified number.

  • object - Specifies the slides configuration with an object of optional properties.

    • origin: 'auto' | 'center' | number - Sets the origin of the slides. 'auto' - Adjusts the origins of all slides, so that the first slide aligns left and the last one right. 'center' - Centers the slides. number - Relative to the viewport. Default is 'auto'.
    • number: number | function | null - Behaves analog to slides if the value is a number or null. Can be a function as well, that returns a number or null. Default is null.
    • perView: number | function - Determines what size the slides should be in relation to the viewport/container. Can be a function as well, that returns number. Default is 1.
    • spacing: number | function - Defines the spacing between slides in pixel. Can be a function that returns a number. Default is 0.
  • function - Specifies the slides configuration with a function that returns an array of slide configurations. A slide configuration has the following optional properties:

    • origin: number - Determines where the origin of a slide is within the viewport. Default is 0.
    • size: number - Determines the relative size of the slide in relation to the viewport. Default is 1.
    • spacing: number - Defines the space to the next slide in relation to the viewport. Default is 0.

    The function receives as first argument the container size.

vertical: boolean

Changes the direction of the slider from horizontal to vertical. Default is false.

Event Hooks

Event hooks are functions that the slider calls during its lifecycle. The functions getting the Properties as the only argument. Event hooks are part of the Options and can be specified in the same way.

Below are the event hooks and when they are triggered:

animationStarted - Animation was started. An animation takes place after the drag has ended or when calling moveToIdx() or animator.start().

animationStopped - Animation was stopped.

animationEnded - Animation has ended.

created - Slider was created.

layoutChanged - onLayout was called on the container.

detailsChanged - The details-property has changed. At each movement, after an option change, and at each initialization or resizing.

dragged - Slider was dragged.

dragStarted - Drag has started.

dragChecked - Direction of dragging was checked and is valid.

dragEnded - Drag has ended.

slideChanged - Active or most visible slide has changed.

updated - the update function was called due to a size change or other trigger

Methods & Properties

Whether the slider is implemented with a react hook or plain javascript, it returns an instance or an object of properties for further actions. These properties are described below:

animator: object

The animator is the module that is responsible for the motion animation of the track. It has the following properties:

  • active: boolean - Indicates whether an animation is active.

  • start: function - Starts a new animation. Needs an array of keyframes. The keyframes are processed sequentially.

    slider.animator.start([keyframe1, keyframe2])

    A keyframe: object has the following properties:

    • distance: number - Distance moved in the animation.
    • duration: number - Duration of the animation in milliseconds.
    • earlyExit: number - Optionally sets an earlier termination of the keyframe.
    • easing: function - Easing of the animation as (time: number) => number.
  • stop: function - Stops the currently active animation, if there is one.

  • targetIdx: number | null - Contains the index that will be active at the end of the animation.

containerProps: object

Contains properties that has to be bound to the container.

  • onLayout: function - Response to changes in the size of the container. Sets size-property.
  • onPanResponderMove: function - Handles touch movements.
  • onPanResponderRelease: function - Handles touch ends.
  • onPanResponderTerminate: function - Handles touch terminations.
  • onStartShouldSetPanResponder: function - Handles touch starts.

emit: function


Emits an event when called. Requires an eventName: string as an argument.

moveToIdx: function

slider.moveToIdx(index, absolute, animation)

Changes the active slide with an animation when called.

  • index: number - Specifies the index to be set active.
  • absolute: boolean - Defines if the index is absolute. Default is false.
  • animation: object - Modifies the default animation. Object can have the following properties:
    • duration: number - Sets the animation duration is milliseconds. Default is 500.
    • easing: function - Sets the easing function. Default is t => 1 + --t * t * t * t * t.

next: function

Changes the currently active slide to the next one when called. If exists.

on: function

slider.on(eventName, callback, remove)

Registers an event hook when called.

  • eventName: string - Specifies the event name.
  • callback: function - The function that will be called on this event.
  • remove: boolean - Whether the function should be set or removed. Default is false.

options: object

The currently used Options and Event hooks with regard to the active breakpoint.

prev: function

Changes the currently active slide to the previous one when called. If exists.

size: number

The size of the container/viewport, width or height, depending on the vertical option.

slidesProps: object[]

Contains properties that has to be bound to the slides.

  • ref: object - MutableRefObject that refers to a slide. Updates to the position are made directly to this reference.

  • styles: object - Contains the position and size styles for a specific slide.

track: object

  • absToRel: function - Transforms an absolute index into the corresponding relative index.

  • add: function - Adds the passed value to the track position.

  • details: object | null - The current details of the track. Position, length, sizes and distances are relative to the container/viewport size. Is set to null if the slider is disabled or not ready.

    • abs: number - Absolute index of the currently active slide.
    • length: number - Length of the track in relation to the size of the viewport.
    • min: number - minimum position according to range or loop
    • max: number - maximum position according to range or loop
    • minIdx: number - minimum index according to range or loop
    • maxIdx: number - maximum position according to range or loop
    • position: number - Current position of the track in relation to the size of the viewport.
    • progress: number - Relative position of track in relation to the length.
    • rel: number - Relative index of the currently active slide.
    • slides: array - Details of each slide as an array of objects. Each object has the following properties.
      • abs: number - Absolute index of this slide. Only reliable if portion is > 0
      • distance: number - Distance of the slide to the beginning of the viewport.
      • portion: number - Indicates how much of the slide is visible in the viewport.
      • size: number - Size of the slide in relation to the size of the viewport.
    • slidesLength: number - Length of the slides and the spacing between them.
  • distToIdx: function - Transforms the passed distance into the corresponding index.

  • idxToDist: function - Returns the distance to the passed index. The second argument is optional and a boolean that specifies whether the passed index is absolute. The third argument is optional and specifies a reference position.

  • init: function - Reinitializes the track. Optionally, a new active index can be passed.

  • to: function - Sets the passed value as the track position.

  • velocity: function - Returns the current speed of the track as distance in relation to the viewport per millisecond.

update: function

slider.update(options, idx)

Updates the slider when it is called. If the resizing hasn't been triggered or the options need to be changed.

  • options: object - Specifies the new options with which the slider should be reinitialized. Default undefined.

  • idx: number - Sets the current active slide to the given index. Default undefined.


To make it easier to integrate, structure, and version custom slider functions, you can create plugins. Keen-Slider itself is also partially based on plugins.

A plugin is basically a function that receives the slider instance as its only argument and is initiated during slider startup. With the on and emit function it can take part in the slider lifecycle.


const slider = useKeenSliderNative(
    slides: 4,
    slider => {
      slider.on('created', () => {
        alert('Hello World')